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VR Goggles

What is Human Efficiency Optimization (HEO)?

HEO is the optimization of ones humanity in the moment through Kindness, Love, Integrity, Respect, Peace (KLIRP) especially in stressful moments and disagreement. History conveys that human behavior can shift to minimize anxiety in uncomfortable situations by any means necessary. We justify a mindset  of avoidance, violence, blaming/shaming, disrespect, alternative truths to cope with social constructs or consensus that are simply put, inconvenient. 

Our Mission

Universal Denominators is an existence dedicated to the optimization of the moment we are in through Kindness, Love, Integrity, Respect, and Peace (KLIRP) as we are. By embracing these universal values in the moment, we create the space to be what we ultimately want. Our mission is to inspire individuals and organizations to adopt this sentiment, developing a impact on the world we already share. Through our content, resources, and community, we aim to empower each individual to live a purposeful and fulfilling life. 


A brand deeper than the look.

Optimize your humanity in the moment through Kindness, Love, Integrity, Peace.



- Universal Denominators, TYFYK, Human Efficiency, HEO, Optimization, Love - UD TYFYK



Universal Denominators (UD) designs and creates content & branded merch to optimize aspects of humanity that promote Kindness, Love,  integrity,  Respect, Peace.

To understand the message behind UD's brands is to choose a more efficient existence within one’s self and others, especially in moments of disagreement.

So you can say sporting and supporting our creations improves our shared existence one thought, one moment, one action at a time.

Get your UD merch today. 


Optimize Your Humanity!

Let Love Lead!

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